Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Week 10

What a journey!!! I have really enjoyed these exercises. I must admit, at times I felt as though I didn't have time to do them. I even contemplated doing them at home. I feel for those that had to learn about things and then do them. For the most part it was review for me. However, here are a few things that I loved:
  1. Blogging...never much into blogging but doing this exercised has really opened my eyes to the possibilities. I will probably do a personal one in the near future.
  2. Technorati. I really liked it for managing feeds.
  3. I loved the web based applications in Zoho and plan to use it or refer people to it. HMMM maybe this would be a great class for TTA for patrons.
  4. I loved adding my favorite books but not too sure if I will use it again.

Most of the other items I was already using so it was nice to just review.

I am getting use to Meebo but I feel as if we might not be able to give the patrons the attention they need once they become more aware of it. At times it can get hectic at the desk and if only a small bleep on the bottom of your screen will signify there is someone trying to reach us... it may cause concern. I love the idea of YA/Children's area having a blog.

I am going to miss ihcpl on Saturdays when I am locked up in YA with nothing to do....that is where I would catch up. I guess it is back to writing training literature for future class. Oh well.....

See you online!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Week 9 #22 ebooks LOVE IT!!!

Ok.... so until I started working here I didn't even know there was an elibrary. I didn't even know you could get ebooks or audio books......do you have any idea how much I spend a month on ematerial?

Down side...I like Christian Historical fiction and there doesn't seem to be a wide variety of Christian anything.

As for the other site (only had time to look at one). Looks like it is ran by volunteers that read the books and some books are read 1 chapter a week?!?!?!?!? I like audio books for long trips and I like them because I can listen while I do other things....not going for 1 chapter at a time...I could do that on my own.

Week 9 #21 Podcasting

so I love podcasts....my Ipod is full of ones that I love. I added one to my Blog site that I really enjoy...check em out.

Oh yeah, and the directory...pretty straight forward. But I use them all the time anyway.

Week 9 #20 YouTube....Dangerous....Beware

So, I am very familiar with Youtube, maybe too familiar. I can spend a whole Sunday afternoon watching videos. I love funny videos or music videos. So to ask me to view Youtube at work.....well now you are just asking for trouble. I have my favorites...like Hand puppets...search for it...it is funny and amazing. I have one embedded in my Myspace. Yeah, Youtube....I tube Youtube. :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Youtube or slowtube

So I am trying to access youtube but I am having problems getting to the site. I keep getting amessage about filter...which fine but even when i do get online and pick a video...takes so long to buffer and play.
I'll play with it at home.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Week 8 #19 Web Based Apps

Ok. I have to admit....way cool. I love the online aplplications. I love the templates. The only thing I don't like are the limiting amount of fonts. With so many free fonts out there, I wish they would load more. I joined ZOHO because I know I will use it in the future. I started to type up a recipe for technology trainning assistant but soon bored with it so I just uploaded it to my blog (see below).

I am loving it!!

Tech Recipe

Creating Recipe

Name of the Dish: Technology Assistant    

Type: non edible



  • 2 cups knowledge
  • 2 tsps patience
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 tbsps comic relief
  • 2 lumps of smiles 
  • 1 tsp understanding
  • 2 tsps students willing to learn 
  • 1 large good tools to work with 
  • 1 medium quiet room
  • 2 Tomatoes (chopped)
  • 1/4 small bunch Fresh coriander leaves (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 tsp Sugar
  • 1 tsp Vinegar


  • Mix together mutton mince, ginger garlic paste and salt & refrigerate it for half an hour.
  • Heat ghee in a pan, add onions and lightly brown them.
  • Add turmeric powder and chilli powder and sauté for half a minute.
  • Add mince and cook till all the water evaporates.
  • Add potatoes and carrots and mix well with the mince. Add one cup of water and let the        vegetables cook on low heat.
  • When dry, add tomatoes, coriander leaves, sugar and vinegar and continue to cook for two to three minutes.
  • Add salt and serve hot.


    Week 8 #18 Social Networking

    Ok I fought the MYSpace bug for years. All my friends (my nice responsible professional) friends were griped because I did not have a myspace and they used it to communicate gatherings or church going ons. So I buckled down and created an account. I must admit I was hooked for a few days, creating my page and such. Then the love was gone. I rarely log in.

    What I don't like about alot of these sites, is that I have to create a login to view anything. And I don't like wasting space on a site by grabbing a name and creating a page for a website that I will not use. I know if there was a place that I wanted to join and there was a user name that I wanted...I would be disappointed if it was taken by someone who took it just to use for 30 minutes. So needless to say, I didn't sign up for any to view.

    However, I do like the HGTV rate my space. It has some wonderful ideas and it is nice tobe able tos end a warm fuzzy to someone.

    Week 7 #17

    I love technology. As a technology training assistant, I should love technology, it is my job. My family jokes because I will hesitate to spend any money on clothes/make up etc. But when a new gadget comes out...I wait in line for hours and justify the money spent.

    I can't imagine my life without technology. I wake up in the morning to the sound of the alarm on my smart phone. Instead of hitting the snooze button, I hit the email button and check my emails before I get out of bed. As I drive around town, I listen to an audio book. If I am sitting in line to pick up my child, I read an ebook or type an email. If I am at my brother's house, I can type up documents. I take pictures of my daughter or something that I see as funny at any time. I also, record videos of her swimming or just kidding around with her friends. I listen to music as I bike or walk. I track my weight watcher points. I play bejeweled when I am bored. I go online and read news or shop. All of this is done from the convenience of my phone.

    In the morning after I leave my child at school, I log into my computer and work on a computer 500 miles away in Dallas, via remote access. I log onto websites and check claim status for patients, more than 30 claims in an hour. When I use to call into insurance companies, I would hold for 30 minutes and then talk to someone who said they can only 3 claims per call. Patients call me on a local Dallas number and I answer it in Seabrook because my phone lines are VOiP lines and for no extra cost I have 4 phone lines from 4 different parts of the country/continent so that people can make local calls to me even when I am not local. My stepchildren call a 905 number that rings on my home phone in Seabrook, at no extra cost.

    When traveling to Canada to visit family, I can extend my visit because I can work from anywhere in the world....Well at least I use to be able to but I work for the county now and I have to limit my time.

    Which brings me to the big draw back of technology....socializing. I could do everything from home and interact with people via chats, phones and emails but I missed the smiles. I missed the feeling you get when you see someone and their reactions to your stories. I missed hearing laughter as opposed to seeing "LOL". Because of that, I had to get a "traditional" job that allowed me to interact with people.

    My fear is the youth of today have been so exposed to technology and so far removed from true socializing that they will become impersonal and not value life and companionship as much as my generation does. My daughter is 11 and she prefers to text message than to hear the voice of her friends. She prefers to chat online than to visit with a friend. And I find such a lifestyle can lead to being a harsh or less loving person. I have been on online posts and people can say nasty things. Things they probably wouldn't say in person but because on line posts are so impersonal, they say malicious things. Now I am not saying , all people do. But I must admit, I have said things online that if I was having the same conversation with that person, in person, I probably would have handled the conversation differently.

    Technology is great. I just hope we don't replace human companionship with a keyboard and a monitor.

    Week 7 # 16

    So I added my favorite Blog Spot to ihcpl wiki...Tim Holtz on Typepad....It is new but it is my favorite (this week) because I have been waiting for it for a while. I use Wikepedia quite often. I discovered it about a year or two ago. Or rather, my husband did and he shared it with me.

    I wish I had more time to view everyone's blogs and their choices for their favorite blogs.

    I love the parade of Avatars and the song...but I regret that my lack of time to view other blogs, leaves me stumped on who they belong.