Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Week 10

What a journey!!! I have really enjoyed these exercises. I must admit, at times I felt as though I didn't have time to do them. I even contemplated doing them at home. I feel for those that had to learn about things and then do them. For the most part it was review for me. However, here are a few things that I loved:
  1. Blogging...never much into blogging but doing this exercised has really opened my eyes to the possibilities. I will probably do a personal one in the near future.
  2. Technorati. I really liked it for managing feeds.
  3. I loved the web based applications in Zoho and plan to use it or refer people to it. HMMM maybe this would be a great class for TTA for patrons.
  4. I loved adding my favorite books but not too sure if I will use it again.

Most of the other items I was already using so it was nice to just review.

I am getting use to Meebo but I feel as if we might not be able to give the patrons the attention they need once they become more aware of it. At times it can get hectic at the desk and if only a small bleep on the bottom of your screen will signify there is someone trying to reach us... it may cause concern. I love the idea of YA/Children's area having a blog.

I am going to miss ihcpl on Saturdays when I am locked up in YA with nothing to do....that is where I would catch up. I guess it is back to writing training literature for future class. Oh well.....

See you online!!!

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